Calling WRR
Once again I have been asked to provide pacers for the upcoming British Heart Foundation Blenheim Half and 10km on Sunday 30th September, already I have had most people who paced last year wanting to do it again. Please contact me if you are interested, you get free race entry, T shirt, medal. Please contact Andy Church if interested.
8am Event village and registration open
9:30am 10K starts
10:30am Half marathon starts
1pm 2K starts
We can do two pacers per time again if that works for you? The times we need are…
Half marathon:
1 hour 30 mins
1 hour 45 mins (one slot is taken from the same guy as last year)
2 hours
2 hours 15 mins
2 hours 30 mins
50 mins
60 mins
1 hour 10 mins