Every care is taken to ensure that a safe environment is provided for Club Members to safely partake in official Club sessions.
It is the major consideration of the elected Committee in every activity undertaken under the auspices of Witney Roadrunners.
Routes for the main Club Thursday session are always published in the Club Newsletter that is circulated to all members on the Sunday evening of the coming week. A small map of the route will also be shown if possible
Club Members are expected to read this Newsletter. This means that everyone is made aware of the planned routes so that they can make themselves familiar with the route they plan to do, please check to ensure you know exactly where the route is going.
On the Thursday night whoever does the announcements will always check for any concerns about that nights routes, please ask if you are unsure
Advice and reminders will always be given regarding safe running practices, courtesy to the public and road crossing common sense.
Any known hazards like road works, road closures, skips in road, slip hazards when wet/icy will always be highlighted.
Members are expected to dress accordingly (Hi Viz apparel etc), and run appropriately relevant to the prevailing light and weather conditions.
It is simply not possible or practical to prepare and advise for every single potential hazard on every route, nor is it practical to expect someone to accompany each member, to ensure their safe completion of the route.
On joining Witney Roadrunners it is beholden upon the Member to ensure that they are fully aware of where the route is going, and their responsibilities when running under Club auspices.
The Club member is ultimately responsible for their own safety and well being.
Whilst the Club is insured under the EA umbrella, and individuals are privately covered providing they have paid their EA subscription required to compete in UKA races, the Club cannot accept responsibility for Club Members Safety if said Member has not acted responsibly and in accordance with the expectations outlined above.
Should any Member have an accident of any sort, it should be reported immediately to the Club Welfare Officer or to any Club Committee Member for recording in the official incident log, and any investigations will be carried out by him/her to decide what further actions are necessary, if appropriate.
If a Club member consistently contravenes these guidelines and is deemed to be a risk to themselves, other Club members, the public, whether pedestrian and/ or road users, they can expect to be spoken to by a Club Official in regard to their conduct as the Clubs reputation may be brought into disrepute.
As with the commonly held view about the wearing of headphones during races and events, it is not considered acceptable to wear these during Club sessions. They seriously hamper your ability to react accordingly when faced with situations that need your full attention, and are therefore DANGEROUS.