Tuesday evening running
Tuesday January 11th
2x Vanner Rd 800m, 4x Farmers Cl Hill Sprints, 2x Vanner Rd 800m
Start @ corner of New Yatt Rd & Farmers Cl, run 800m @ 3k pace up New Yatt Rd, turn left at Vanner Rd & follow Vanner Rd around to Farmers Cl. Take 90s recovery to get back to starting point then run the 800m loop again @ 3k pace
After 2nd 800m effort, jog over to the pavement adjacent to Farmers Cl & down to 1st set of gates. From the gates, sprint up pavement to first junction (~200m) @ max effort, jog back down to the gates & repeat for a total 4 hill sprints. Pls keep to your left at all times on the pavement both recovering down & sprinting up, priority goes to runners sprinting up Farmers Cl.
After 4th hill sprint, take 2min recovery & jog back to junction of Farmers Cl & Vanner Rd for another pair of 800m efforts @ 3k pace with 90s recovery but in the opposite direction to the first 2 efforts.
800m efforts shld feel v. hard but still sub-maximal effort with the goal of trying to be as efficient as possible @ 3k pace. hill sprints shld be @ max effort with goal of maximising leg turnover speed & not overstriding up the hill. The last 800m effort shld feel like & be treated as the closing 800m of a 5k / 3k race.
Through the effort you should feel:
Level 9/10: Very Hard – Very difficult to maintain intensity. Can barely breathe & speak only a few words.
End of the session, you shld not be able to run another 800m @ 3k pace but possibly at 5k/10k pace with extended recovery.
Groups: Choose a group based on your current 5k time. Please assemble with your group.