Well as we edge closer to ” a normal way of life” we seem to have lots going on. The transition to West Witney is just about complete, and appears to be working well, especially with some of the Tuesday effort sessions taking place there as well. The Thursday sessions continue to grow, I think we had 62 there last week, and for the time being we will continue to run in pace and mileage groups, possibly the best thing to come out of the pandemic. For the first time I felt like it was coming together, club members staying behind and socialising, it was a great feeling of the Club coming together again at last.
There are more and more races taking place, please send in your results and race reports.
We are hoping to have kit, both training and race vests plus jackets, on display on a Thursday night for you to try on etc. We have had enquires about jackets, they are available at £29.50 please ask Bertie for more info.
Lastly, we are staring up the short run rota again, please volunteer as the more people involved the less times you will need to do it. It is an important part of the culture of the Club, to be inclusive, and open to all.