Following the Cotswold Classic at the weekend, there have been a number of requests from club members asking if they can buy one of the long-sleeved shirts.
The answer is yes!
We have a small number available from the day in the following ladies sizes which can be purchased immediately: XS, Small, Medium and 2XL. These will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
We are also putting in an additional order of extra shirts for anyone that would like them. These will be the same blue but only a white print rather than black and white. These ‘special editions’ can be ordered in any size. We are selling them at cost – £7.50. Not bad for a technical long sleeve top!
I need to put the order in at the end of this week so you must have your order to me (Toby) by Thursday at club. Please pay by BACS direct into the club account using the reference ‘CCShirt’ and either let me know on messenger, or via email to