Domestic League Results
Collating results from Domestic League races and maintaining the Domestic League is the responsibility of Andy Church.
After each Domestic League race, he will check the official results on the internet, and double check his findings with results published in the Newsletter every week, before updating the League standings. If results are missed, for whatever reason, it is a fiddly, time-consuming process to go back over the results and readjust.
In order to try and make Andys task easier, the following procedures will apply with effect from Monday 18th June 2018.
If your result/time does not appear in the weekly Newsletter, it is your responsibility to notify Andy Church, Domestic League Co-ordinator of your result/time. He may well have already got it through the official results, but as points are at stake, it is worth making sure.
Andy gets all his information from either race results or information provided to the NL editor. He will not be expected to trawl the internet for results beyond what is mentioned above, nor will he enter into an e-dialogue with the NL editor.
Failure to do this within one week of race completion means you will forfeit any potential League points, and these will not be reinstated retrospectively as too much work is involved.
We think that this is a fair approach to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the Domestic league.