Ian has been in touch with Kidlington Running Club about Mota-vation Race entries for 2024. They are moving to an online entry system, details below. As we provide marshals for the races, Witney Roadrunners will still benefit from a discounted entry.
Rather than the bulk entries being managed by the club as has been the case in the past, Kidlington have supplied a discount code for our members to use when they enter the series. Please don’t share this outside of the club with non-members.
If you enter at full price, then there’s unlikely to be any recourse to then benefit from the WRR discount as it becomes an admin burden.
WRR will no longer be managing bulk entries for the series. If you wish to run in the Mota-Vation series, you will need to enter yourselves.
The discount code available in members newsletter and Spond
Entry to all 5 races is £25 (plus a 5% booking fee)
Coasters are back!
To be as environmentally and financially sustainable as possible, Kidlington are using bamboo for the 2024 coaster, you can purchase one for just £2.50 when you enter the series.
And for anyone that was disappointed with the lack of coasters last year, Kidlington are offering a free, specially designed “2023” coaster for anyone that wants one when they sign up for the full 2024 series. Simply select the option during checkout.
What is Mota-vation? Spring-Summer Race Series
If you’ve joined up recently, you might have heard some WRRs talk about Mota-vation, but not sure what it is. As entries will open shortly, here’s an explainer:
- It’s a summer race series organised by Kidlington Running and Athletics Club
- Races take place in the evening on the last Thursday of the month from April through to August
- 5 Oxfordshire locations, each race approximately 4 miles in distance (except Race 1 which is closer to 5)
- All the Oxfordshire clubs have a good turnout and it’s a fun club event.
25th April – Race One: Charlton-on-Otmoor
30th May – Race Two: Oxford (Marston)
27th June – Race Three: Combe (Route 1)
25th July – Race Four: Combe (Route 2)
29th August – Race Five: Stratfield Brake, Kidlington
WRR Discounted Entries: in return for providing a small number of marshals per event, Kidlington offer us a £15 discount on entry fees through the club – £25 for all 5 races instead of £40 (you *must*be EA registered to take advantage of the WRR entry discount) A discount code has been provided WRR2024 – do not share outside of the club. Please also do marshal at one of the races if you can (or if you know someone who’ll be cheering anyway, ask them to marshal for us)
There are the usual age category winners at each race, and if you do 4 of 5 races you may be eligible for the Series Prizes as well.
The races replace the usual club night, so there’s no official get together at WWSC on any of those Thursdays. It’s a great introduction to racing if you haven’t done it before.
Entry deadline for series is 15th April and I will add to the events when I set them up.
Note: Races have usually cost £10 each, so if you plan on running 2, it’s worth taking advantage of the discount entry as it guarantees your place across the series. There are usually no ‘on the night’ entries for races 1 & 2 – this is a possible from race 3 onwards but depends on numbers participating.
Note: Second claim WRRs can take advantage of the WRR discount entry, but must enter under their First Claim club and wear that shirt on race day.
Please, *please* update your WRR membership AND EA registration when renewal comes out in March and by the requested deadline to make sure your EA registration is processed in time.
Regina Johnys