Another week of lockdown has passed, and so another week of running solo, and more or less the same route. It is getting increasingly difficult to get motivated , to find new routes and to just get out there. I know from talking to lots of you that people are finding it hard to run on their own, some are not running at all. I would just say, stay focused, stay involved, try and run the various virtual races, there is lots of encouragement out there, follow Facebook, follow Instagram, and hang in there.
So a big thanks to Sam for organising this weeks 4 miler, I believe the uptake has been brilliant, lots of work for Sam, but a great motivation for getting out there and running hard instead of cruising. I think we are all looking forward to seeing the results, including the walkers, great that they are included. Could next week be a return to some team races?
As before, keep your distance , but reach out to your fellow runners, and be sure to stay in contact with as many as you can.
Stay safe
John Mac