After 2 years absence this iconic Club event is back on for 2022! Hooray I hear you all say.
This is one of very few true club events, where you are competing in club colours, as part of a team, not as an individual. It’s great fun, resulting in a great feeling of personal achievement, and also great pride in seeing WRR out there in numbers. We also put on a Club social evening to celebrate whatever we have achieved that day.How it works.
The total distance is 89.3 miles. Start is at 07.30am at Ivinghoe Beacon near Dunstable/
Leighton Buzzard. The finish is in Marlborough. Note the official end of The Ridgeway path is at Avebury Stone Circle, but for logistical reasons the final leg diverts off the path and into Marlborough.
The relay is divided into 10 legs. Distances are –
- 11 miles
- 6 miles
- 9.4 miles
- 5.4 miles
- 10.1 miles
- 10.4 miles
- 9.1 miles
- 7.8 miles
- 10.7 miles
- 9.4 miles
One runner per Leg is the “Counter”, but more than one person can run the leg, i.e as a
“Buddy” runner. We have had 3 or 4 runners on a leg before. I won’t say no to anyone who wants to take part, but not everyone can be a counter.
Legs 7 and 10 are Mass Starts. This means that in order to avoid a slower team finishing at midnight or later, runners for these legs will depart as soon as the previous runner arrives or the mass start time is reached, whichever is the sooner. This will not affect the total run time for the team.
What I need now
Can you email me on as soon as possible please with the
- Name, email address and mobile phone number. All data is held by me only for race purposes and not shared with anyone. All communication will be blind copied.
- Which leg you would prefer to run, based on distance and time of day. As a guide, Leg 1 starts at 07.30am, Leg 7 Mass Start is at 2pm and Leg 10 Mass Start is at 5.30 pm. Last leg finish time will be around 6.30pm/ 7pm. Not that many people do it, but you can run more than one leg if you really want to.
- Your estimated run time…base this on your current running pace plus 1 or 2 minutes per mile. I allow quite a bit of buffer time so pinpoint accuracy not required.
All the above details and further information can be viewed here. If you are interested in running this event, please read all the info above and get back to us ASAP. If you have any questions, please do get in touch with me or ask around the club as there’s a lot of people who have participated in this event before. We need to have the required details for all runners by 24th March 2022.
Steve Hopkins