I am very pleased to say we are going to try and get our Club back together for some limited runs, it has not been easy, and will only happen if we all adhere to the rules and guidelines. It is absolutely essential that we follow ALL the guidelines as listed, and do NOT deviate from them.
The committee have put a lot of work in to getting this off the ground DON’T undo all this hard work. In Particular it is now Essential that you take up the SPOND App as a means of communication. It is a very simple app to use, our juniors have been using it for some time.
Below is the outline for this Thursday’s session. (6th August 2020)
One route (4.2 miles), 5 groups of 5 people and a pacer:-
7.00 minute mile – Sam leaving at 19:00
8-8:30 minute mile – Rachel leaving at 19:01
9.00 minute mile – Andy leaving at 19:02
9:30 minute mile – Paul leaving at 19:03
10:00 minute mile – John leaving at 19:04
Leaving from most westerley point of Waitrose Car Park (beyond where Hacketts was) – please arrive 5 mins before.
No congregating before or after.
Give way to other street users as all times.
No WRR vests/tops.
No spitting, coughing etc (wear a buff or mask for before and after the race).
By running you agree to these rules and those official government guidelines and England Athletics guidelines
For now the only way to host runs is through the Spond App so please keep and eye out for the invitations (events). These will be sent to all those who have currently signed up. The invites are on a first come first serve basis with an automatic reservation list. Please accept or decline as appropriate. If you cannot make a run after ‘accepting’ please update on Spond so your place can be offered to the next person on the list.
If you haven’t done so already and would like to participate (and are a paid up member for 2020), could you please register with the free messaging service Spond (clear instructions and further information about the service is available here:
Then use this link as I’d like to get you into WRRs 2020 Members Group
and please use the app as it’s far easier to manage. Open the link to join: https://group.spond.com/CTARA
There is a lot to read and get through, please take the time to read and understand what will be expected of you .
Take care and look forward to Thursday
John MaC