As our club grows we’d like to provide the membership with more opportunities to run with each other and we are looking to introduce an alternative to Tuesday Effort sessions for members looking for a social run. The runs would work on a “loop back” principle so all abilities can take part in the same session and work as hard or easy as they’d like. Any of you who came to Dan’s non-club Tuesday night group before Covid will know how it works. In order for the club to put these sessions on we need you!
We’d like to find at least 10 people who would take it in turns to pair up and lead the sessions – so you’d be leading a session one Tuesday in every 5. The sessions are led from the back, with the leader accompanying whoever wants to go slowest so you can be a leader regardless of your own running ability. Leaders will need to be a qualified Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) so if you’ve not already got the qualification, the club will pay for you to go on the LiRF course. The England Athletics course is great, involves some online learning, a practical activity & a virtual classroom session (1.5 hours) and is the first step onto the running coaching ladder.
Once we have 10 people all qualified, Dan will get everyone together to explain how the planned sessions work and to plan launching the sessions in the spring. So whether you’re interested in coaching or just want to support your clubmates in leading a run every few weeks we want to hear from you.
To express your interest or if you have any questions please email Dan on so he can explain it further.
More info on the England Athletics LiRF course is available here